Wat is jullie mening hierover? Ik dacht dat alleen de schil en pit giftig waren
The avocado is very dangerous to all animals – the fruit, leaves, stem, and pit are all considered toxic parts of the plant. The toxic substance in the Avocado is called persin, which is a fatty acid derivative. Although poisonous to both cats and dogs, this plant is particularly deadly to birds. This is also a proven poison to various other types of animals including: goats, sheep, horses, cattle, rabbits and even fish! Ingestion of the avocado plant can lead to cardiovascular problems, and often results in death. This plant is highly toxic, and in animals symptoms can range vomiting, diarrhea, respiratory distress, generalized congestion, fluid accumulation around the heart, and heart failure. The avocado is deadly and should not be fed to any pet under any circumstances.