Lizzy schreef:
Owww, da's een goeie. Ik weet ook niet of hij zijn vak nog mag uitoefenen. Daar had ik eigenlijk niet bij stil gestaan, dat dat een consequentie zou kunnen zijn... Weet iemand dat?
Alleen zijn lidmaadschap van de "vak vereniging" is ontzegd.
Je moet 'n gediplomeerd DA wezen wanneer je lid wil worden van de vereniging.
Zolang hij zijn "licence" (vergunning?)heeft dan mag hij gewoon dieren behandelen,hij is alleen geen lid van de vak vereniging meer.
In het onderstaand article staat:
"A total of 4180 out of the 7000 veterinarians registered in Australia are members of the Association."
Dus bewijst dus dat niet alle DA's lid van de AVA zijn.
Alleen wanneer de license is weg genomen,DAN mag je geen patienten meer behandelen.
Dit gevonden over 't lidmaadschap:
Membership criteria and categories :
Ordinary membership of the AVA is open to veterinarians registered by any of the State or Territory Veterinary Surgeons Boards, those who graduate from any of the Australian veterinary schools and graduates from certain overseas schools.
Subscription concessions are available on application to member couples, members on reduced incomes (eg full-time postgraduate students) or to those who are in difficult circumstances. Application for membership should be made through the AVA National Office or the secretary of the regional Division. Membership of the AVA is voluntary. A total of 4180 out of the 7000 veterinarians registered in Australia are members of the Association.
AVA Membership Privileges:
AVA speaks for the veterinary profession
The AVA undertakes lobbying on important issues affecting members to State and Federal Government. AVA promotes the members to industry, media, professional organisations and the community.
AVA Online
AVA Online is an information portal on the Australian veterinary profession. It also provides an online veterinary community - AVA members are able to join AVAlist and share information with professional colleagues.
Australian Veterinary Journal (AVJ)
The annual yearly subscription gives clinical cases, scientific research, news and jobs.
AVJ Classified Ad Supplement
AVA members receive a 30% discount on advertisements.
AVA Quality Assurance Programs
AVA Accredited Microchip Centre
National Cattle Pregnancy Diagnosis Scheme (NCPDS)
Hospital Accreditation Scheme
New Graduate Friendly Practice Program
Lifestyle Magazine
In 2004 the AVA will launch its Lifestyle Magazine for AVA members.
Continuing Education Recording Scheme
From 2004 AVA members will be able to record their continuing education through the AVA.
AVA Conference benefits
AVA members receive up to a $350 discount on the AVA Conference registration fees.
Diners Club Card
AVA members are given longer interest free periods, save in membership fees, gain entry to the Rewards program and have no pre-set spending limit.
AVA members have access to financial services for their practice and clients and receive up to a $350 discount on the application fee.
Guild Financial Services
5% cash back on the first year annual premium of any new income protection and life insurance policy is available to AVA Members.
Guild Insurance
Guild Insurance has developed an exclusive package available only to AVA members for professional indemnity and general insurance.
AVA Human Resources and Industrial Relations Service
Both employees and employers, who are AVA members, gain access to information and practical advice on employment issues from professional experts.
Macquarie Leasing and AVA
AVA members have commercial leasing facilities available to them, offering competitive rates, over the phone quotes, and a streamlined application process to acquire the latest equipment or upgrade business vehicles.
Discounts on new cars are available to AVA members.
New Zealand Veterinary Association (NZVA)
AVA members receive a discount on NZVA journal subscription and Vet Script.
Qantas Club Corporate Membership
AVA members are eligible for a saving of around $200 on the joining and renewal fee.
SYNERGI Travel Australia
AVA members receive discounts of up to 5% on best travel deals.
Thrifty, Hertz or Avis Car Hire
AVA members have access to discounts on car hire.