Ik heb dit net ook bij het katten onderwerp gezet :
Want, in tegenstelling tot wat sommige homeopathisch dierenartsen schrijven/denken/vinden (in het boek van Atjo staat bijv. ook dat je Thuja kunt gebruiken bij entreacties):
"Many people routinely use and recommend the homeopathic remedy thuja to counteract vaccine effects. Thuja will not protect your dog from harmful effects of a vaccine unless thuja, out of the over 2000 remedies in the homeopathic materia medica, happens to match your dog's exact symptoms.
Thuja's reputation for helping with vaccine reactions arose during the days when the only vaccine that existed was the smallpox (cowpox) vaccine. The blanket use of thuja to protect after a vaccination is not based on homeopathic principles, and using thuja in this way is at best pointless (unless it happens to be the right remedy to match your dog's unique symptoms). What you need to do, if you decide to vaccinate, is observe the dog for his or her own unique reaction and symptom picture, and pick the single most similar remedy. In other words, the remedy which, when given to healthy people, produces the same symptom picture which your ill dog has. This is not something a pet owner should do on their own, but only with the advice of a skilled homeopathic veterinarian".
Komt van deze link:
Christie (eigenaar van deze link) is overigens de eigenaar van de emailgroup BeyondVax.