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Door Bieke
Read This Before You Vaccinate For Lepto

Written by Dogs Naturally Magazine on October 10, 2012. Posted in Vaccine Articles and News No Comments

Leptospirosis is a contagious disease that can affect both humans and animals. It is spread by infection with Leptospira, bacterial pathogens that can cause liver and kidney disease in dogs. Many dogs have been routinely vaccinated for Lepto in the last 30 years and there has been controversy surrounding the the vaccine. Below is a brief summary of what you need to know about the Lepto vaccine.

    You must vaccinate for Lepto every year or less.  Unlike viral vaccines which likely last for the life of the animal, bacterial vaccines, such as Lepto and Bordetella, only last for a year at most. This means if you want to protect your dog from Lepto, the trade off is a dozen or more vaccines in his lifetime, all of which are filled with aluminum and dangerous toxins that have the potential to create autoimmune disease including allergies, cancer, arthritis, digestive issues and more. Every vaccine creates more cumulative damage in your dog and be the one that causes devastating and permanent damage.
    Most Lepto infections in dogs are subclinical. Moreover, of those dogs diagnosed with obvious symptoms, fatalities don’t exceed 10%.  Perhaps the fatality rate would be lower if routine vaccination didn’t already stress the liver and kidneys and predispose dogs to becoming symptomatic when exposed to Lepto.
    Lepto vaccines for dogs are now available in two forms. The original vaccines contained only the L. canicola and L. icterohaemorrhagiae serovars; however newer vaccines now contain L. grippotyphosa and L. pomona. This is because there is a resurgence in Lepto and the latter two strains are now much more common. While some scientists are questioning whether the two new strains of Lepto are due to increased migration of wildlife, others speculate that it is caused by the vaccine itself.  Vaccines have the ability to cause mutations in viruses and this changes their form and forces us in turn to change our vaccines.  As an example, there are five strains of Parvovirus.  Interestingly the first strain, CPV-1 that wreaked havoc with dogs in the 1980?s no longer infects dogs. They have become immune to this strain through naturally acquired or herd immunity. This strain is still in the environment and there is no vaccine for it – Parvo vaccines cover the more recent CPV-2 strains only.  Where did the CDV-2 strains come from?  Mutation, likely from parvo vaccination.  While scientists were busy creating Parvo vaccines, dogs acquired herd immunity to the original dangerous strain all on their own. Now dogs are only susceptible to the strain of Parvo for which we have a vaccine – is this coincidence?  The same may be happening now with Lepto:  as we vaccinate for it, the vaccines cause a shift or mutation in the pathogen and, as it adapts, and a new strain develops.  Which leads to the last point.
    Vaccinated dogs persistently shed Lepto in their urine and serve as a source of infection for other dogs, wildlife and even humans. The same applies to vaccinated livestock.  What this means is that routine Lepto vaccination actually increases the threat of Lepto on the whole.  The greater the number of vaccinated animals, the greater the spread of Lepto.
    There is a safe and effective nosode for Lepto.  The Cuban government has successfully used homeopathic nosodes to prevent Lepto in its citizens for years.  Not only is the Lepto nosode much less expensive than the vaccine, it is also completely safe and doesn’t cause shedding like vaccines do.  Since moving from vaccination to nosodes, the Cuban government has seen a decline in the cases of Lepto.

Perhaps it’s short sighted to use vaccination to protect our dogs against Lepto. Whether or not the vaccine protects the individual dog and whether the risks of the Lepto vaccine outweigh the benefits may not be the main points to look at.  As scientists start to turn their attention away from sterile labs and toward how vaccines interact in the environment, they are finding that mutations and retroviruses are a very real and dangerous result from vaccination.  When you are making vaccine decisions for your dog, please consider the  impact on the planet and the other animals that could be affected by your decision. In light of this, it would be nice if dog owners stopped blaming our unvaccinated dogs for the spread of disease.  Clearly, they need to reexamine how their vaccinated dog is making the world a more dangerous place.
Ford, RB and Schultz, RD. Vaccines and Vaccinations: Issues for the 21st Century. In: JD Bonagura, ed., Kirk’s Current Veterinary Therapy XIII, W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, 1999. pp. 250-253.
Rentko, VT and Ross, LA. Canine Leptospirosis. In: JD Bonagura, ed., Kirk’s Current Veterinary Therapy XI, W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, 1992. pp. 260-263.
Ribotta MJ, et al. Development of an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of leptospiral antibodies in dogs. Can J Vet Res. 2000 Jan;64(1):32-7.
Mitchell MA, et al. Serologic survey for selected infectious disease agents in raccoons from Illinois. J Wildl Dis. 1999 Apr;35(2):347-55.
Carmichael LE. Canine viral vaccines at a turning point–a personal perspective. Adv Vet Med. 1999;41:289-307.
Gese EM, et al. Serological survey for diseases in free-ranging coyotes (Canis latrans) in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. J Wildl Dis. 1997 Jan;33(1):47-56.
Harkin KR, et al. Canine leptospirosis in New Jersey and Michigan: 17 cases (1990-1995). J Am Anim Hosp Assoc. 1996 Nov-Dec;32(6):495-501.
Rentko VT, et al. Canine leptospirosis. A retrospective study of 17 cases. J Vet Intern Med. 1992 Jul-Aug;6(4):235-44.


Related posts:

    Lepto Is Making A Comeback
    Homeopathy And Lepto
    Rabies Vaccination: 13 Ways to Vaccinate More Safely
    Why I don’t Vaccinate My Dogs At All
    Duration of Immunity to Canine Vaccines

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Door Elvira
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Read This Before You Vaccinate For Lepto

Written by Dogs Naturally Magazine on October 10, 2012. Posted in Vaccine Articles and News No Comments

Leptospirosis is a contagious disease that can affect both humans and animals. It is spread by infection with Leptospira, bacterial pathogens that can cause liver and kidney disease in dogs. Many dogs have been routinely vaccinated for Lepto in the last 30 years and there has been controversy surrounding the the vaccine. Below is a brief summary of what you need to know about the Lepto vaccine.

    You must vaccinate for Lepto every year or less.  Unlike viral vaccines which likely last for the life of the animal, bacterial vaccines, such as Lepto and Bordetella, only last for a year at most. This means if you want to protect your dog from Lepto, the trade off is a dozen or more vaccines in his lifetime, all of which are filled with aluminum and dangerous toxins that have the potential to create autoimmune disease including allergies, cancer, arthritis, digestive issues and more. Every vaccine creates more cumulative damage in your dog and be the one that causes devastating and permanent damage.
    Most Lepto infections in dogs are subclinical. Moreover, of those dogs diagnosed with obvious symptoms, fatalities don’t exceed 10%.  Perhaps the fatality rate would be lower if routine vaccination didn’t already stress the liver and kidneys and predispose dogs to becoming symptomatic when exposed to Lepto.
    Lepto vaccines for dogs are now available in two forms. The original vaccines contained only the L. canicola and L. icterohaemorrhagiae serovars; however newer vaccines now contain L. grippotyphosa and L. pomona. This is because there is a resurgence in Lepto and the latter two strains are now much more common. While some scientists are questioning whether the two new strains of Lepto are due to increased migration of wildlife, others speculate that it is caused by the vaccine itself.  Vaccines have the ability to cause mutations in viruses and this changes their form and forces us in turn to change our vaccines.  As an example, there are five strains of Parvovirus.  Interestingly the first strain, CPV-1 that wreaked havoc with dogs in the 1980?s no longer infects dogs. They have become immune to this strain through naturally acquired or herd immunity. This strain is still in the environment and there is no vaccine for it – Parvo vaccines cover the more recent CPV-2 strains only.  Where did the CDV-2 strains come from?  Mutation, likely from parvo vaccination.  While scientists were busy creating Parvo vaccines, dogs acquired herd immunity to the original dangerous strain all on their own. Now dogs are only susceptible to the strain of Parvo for which we have a vaccine – is this coincidence?  The same may be happening now with Lepto:  as we vaccinate for it, the vaccines cause a shift or mutation in the pathogen and, as it adapts, and a new strain develops.  Which leads to the last point.
    Vaccinated dogs persistently shed Lepto in their urine and serve as a source of infection for other dogs, wildlife and even humans. The same applies to vaccinated livestock.  What this means is that routine Lepto vaccination actually increases the threat of Lepto on the whole.  The greater the number of vaccinated animals, the greater the spread of Lepto.
    There is a safe and effective nosode for Lepto.  The Cuban government has successfully used homeopathic nosodes to prevent Lepto in its citizens for years.  Not only is the Lepto nosode much less expensive than the vaccine, it is also completely safe and doesn’t cause shedding like vaccines do.  Since moving from vaccination to nosodes, the Cuban government has seen a decline in the cases of Lepto.

Perhaps it’s short sighted to use vaccination to protect our dogs against Lepto. Whether or not the vaccine protects the individual dog and whether the risks of the Lepto vaccine outweigh the benefits may not be the main points to look at.  As scientists start to turn their attention away from sterile labs and toward how vaccines interact in the environment, they are finding that mutations and retroviruses are a very real and dangerous result from vaccination.  When you are making vaccine decisions for your dog, please consider the  impact on the planet and the other animals that could be affected by your decision. In light of this, it would be nice if dog owners stopped blaming our unvaccinated dogs for the spread of disease.  Clearly, they need to reexamine how their vaccinated dog is making the world a more dangerous place.
Ford, RB and Schultz, RD. Vaccines and Vaccinations: Issues for the 21st Century. In: JD Bonagura, ed., Kirk’s Current Veterinary Therapy XIII, W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, 1999. pp. 250-253.
Rentko, VT and Ross, LA. Canine Leptospirosis. In: JD Bonagura, ed., Kirk’s Current Veterinary Therapy XI, W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, 1992. pp. 260-263.
Ribotta MJ, et al. Development of an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of leptospiral antibodies in dogs. Can J Vet Res. 2000 Jan;64(1):32-7.
Mitchell MA, et al. Serologic survey for selected infectious disease agents in raccoons from Illinois. J Wildl Dis. 1999 Apr;35(2):347-55.
Carmichael LE. Canine viral vaccines at a turning point–a personal perspective. Adv Vet Med. 1999;41:289-307.
Gese EM, et al. Serological survey for diseases in free-ranging coyotes (Canis latrans) in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. J Wildl Dis. 1997 Jan;33(1):47-56.
Harkin KR, et al. Canine leptospirosis in New Jersey and Michigan: 17 cases (1990-1995). J Am Anim Hosp Assoc. 1996 Nov-Dec;32(6):495-501.
Rentko VT, et al. Canine leptospirosis. A retrospective study of 17 cases. J Vet Intern Med. 1992 Jul-Aug;6(4):235-44.
Door Elvira
2e poging :
Lees dit voordat je vaccineert tegen Lepto

geschreven door  Dogs Naturally Magazine on October 10, 2012. Gepubliceerd in Vaccine Articles and News No Comments

Leptospirosis is een besmettelijke zietke die zowel bij mensen als dieren voorkomt. Het verspreidt zich door besmetting met Leptospira, bacterial pathogens dat lever en nierziektes bij honden kan veroorzaken. Veel honden zijn de afgelopen jaren regelmatig ingeent tegen Lepto en er zijn nogal wat controverses rond het vaccin. Hieronder een kleine samenvatting wat je moet weten over het lepto vaccin.
Je moet minstens 1 x per jaar vacineren tegen lepto. In tegenstelling tot vaccins tegen virussen die waarschijnlijk levenslange bescherming geven, werken vaccins tegen bacteriën zoals Lepto en Bordeatella hooguit 1 jaar. Dit betekent dat als je je hond wil beschermen tegen Lepto, je hond een  een dozijn vaccins, allemaal met daarin aluminium en gevaarlijke giftige stoffen die mogelijk auto-imuun ziektes zoals allergie, kanker, artritis, spijsverteringsziektes e.d.  kunnen veroorzaken, in een leven krijgt. Elk vaccin geeft een grotere schade bij je hond en kan degene zijn die de verwoestende en permanente schade geeft.
De meeste lepto infecties geven geen verschijnselen. De honden die duidelijke symptomen hebben en overlijden zijn minder dan 10%. Het aantal doden zou misschien lager zijn als de jaarlijkse vaccinatie niet al schade hebben aangericht aan de lever en de nieren met als gevolg dat de honden symptomen gaan vertonen als ze aan lepto worden bloot gesteld.
Lepto vaccins voor honden zijn er nu 2 vormen. Het originele vaccin bevatte slechts L. canicola and L. icterohaemorrhagiae serovars. Nieuwere vaccins bevatten nu L. canicola and L. icterohaemorrhagiae serovars. Dit is vanwege een opleving in Letpo en de 2 laatste stammen komen nu vaker voor. Terwijl wetenschappers zich afvragen of de 2 nieuwe stammen van Lepto het gevolg izjn van een toenemende migratie van wilde dieren, denken anderen dat het komt door het vaccin zelf. Vaccins kunnen mutaties veroorzaken in virussen. Daarom moeten we ook de vaccins  aanpassen.  Bijvoorbeeld. Er zjin 5 stammen van het parvo virus. De eerste stam (CPV-1 die huis hield onder de honden in de 1980’s besmet niet langer honden. Ze zijn hier op natuurlijke wijze immuun voor geworden. Deze stam komt nog steeds voor en er is geen vaccin tegen. Parvo vaccins zijn er alleen voor de meer recentere CPV-2 stammen. Waar kwamen deze 2 CPV-2 stammen vandaan ? Mutatie, waarschijnlijk van het parvo vaccin. Terwijl wetenschappers druk bezit waren een vaccin tegen Parvo te maken, kregen honden een natuurlijke immuniteit tegen de  oorspronkelijke gevaarlijke stam . Nu zijn honden alleen gevoelig voor de stammen van Parvo waar we een vaccin tegen hebben. Is dit toeval ? Het zelfde gebeurt nu met Lepto. Als we er tegen vaccineren, veroorzaakt dit een muatatie waardoor het zich aanpast en een nieuwe stam onstaat.
Gevaccineerde honden scheiden Lepto uit in hun urine en dit zorgt vor een bron van infectie voor andere honden, wild en zelfs mensen. Dit geldt ook voor gevaccineerd vee. Dit betekent  dat regelmatig enten tegen Lepto eigenlijk de dreiging van Lepto vergroot. Hoe groter het aantal geënte honden, hoe groter de verspreiding van Lepto.
Er is een veilige en effectieve nosode tegen LEpto. De Cubaanse overheid heeft met succes homeopathische nosodes ingezet om lepto te bestreiden bij haar inwoners. De nosodes zijn niet alleen veel goedkoper, maar ook volledig veilg en ze veroorzaken ook geen uitscheiding van de ziekte, zoals vaccins doen. Sins ze van vaccins overgestapt zijn op nosodes heeft de Cubaanse regering een terugloop gezien van het aantal besmettingen met lepto.
Misschien is het kortzichtig van ons om vaccinatie te gebruiken om onze honden te beschermen tegen Lepto. Of het vaccin de individuele hond nu beschermt tegen Lepto en of het gevaar van het vaccin  nu groter is dan de voordelen is misschien niet het punt waar we naar moeten kijken. Als wetenschappers niet meer naar hun sterile labratoriums kijken, maar naar wat er met vaccins gebeurt in het milieu, dan zien ze dat mutaties en retroviruses een gevaarlijk en aanwezig resultaat zijn van vaccins Als je de beslissing neemt of je je hond vaccineert of niet, houd dan rekening met het gevolg voor de planeet en andere dieren  die getroffen worden door jouw beslissing. In dit licht zou het ook leuk zijn als hondeneigenaren stoppen met het de schuld geven van niet-gevaccineerde honden voor de verspreiding van ziektes. Ze kunnen beter kijken hoe hun gevaccineerde hond de wereld gevaarlijker maakt.
Ford, RB and Schultz, RD. Vaccines and Vaccinations: Issues for the 21st Century. In: JD Bonagura, ed., Kirk’s Current Veterinary Therapy XIII, W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, 1999. pp. 250-253.
Rentko, VT and Ross, LA. Canine Leptospirosis. In: JD Bonagura, ed., Kirk’s Current Veterinary Therapy XI, W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, 1992. pp. 260-263.
Ribotta MJ, et al. Development of an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of leptospiral antibodies in dogs. Can J Vet Res. 2000 Jan;64(1):32-7.
Mitchell MA, et al. Serologic survey for selected infectious disease agents in raccoons from Illinois. J Wildl Dis. 1999 Apr;35(2):347-55.
Carmichael LE. Canine viral vaccines at a turning point–a personal perspective. Adv Vet Med. 1999;41:289-307.
Gese EM, et al. Serological survey for diseases in free-ranging coyotes (Canis latrans) in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. J Wildl Dis. 1997 Jan;33(1):47-56.
Harkin KR, et al. Canine leptospirosis in New Jersey and Michigan: 17 cases (1990-1995). J Am Anim Hosp Assoc. 1996 Nov-Dec;32(6):495-501.
Rentko VT, et al. Canine leptospirosis. A retrospective study of 17 cases. J Vet Intern Med. 1992 Jul-Aug;6(4):235-44.
Door Juul
The original vaccines contained only the L. canicola and L. icterohaemorrhagiae serovars; however newer vaccines now contain L. grippotyphosa and L. pomona.
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