Hier kun je al je vragen, problemen en stellingen kwijt met betrekking tot het zelf samenstellen voeding.

Moderator: Lizzy

Door chooky
Wat ik nu toch gevonden heb!!! Laat iedere aankomende dierenarts hier maar uit leren hoe diervoeding in elkaar zit.
het boek "Small Annimal Nutrition" van Sandie Agar ISBN 0-7506-4575-X eerste ppublicatie in 2001

Ten eerste een stukje over 'home-made diets'
It is stating the obvious to say that in the wild, animals eat raw, unprocessed foo, but it is a fact that is often overlooked. They eat not only what is, to humans, the acceptable bits, muscle meats, liver and kidney, but also those we consider unacceptable, bones, brain, skin, gut, and gut contents, thus giving a much more balanced diet. We are probably not going to feed whole carcasses, BUT FEEDING RAW MEAT AND BONES DOES FORM A MORE NATURAL DIET, even though many people will have concerns about giving bones to dogs.
Problems seen in veterinary surgeries caused by feeding bones range from pieces of bone stuck in the mmouth through damaged gut to constipation. COOKED BONES ARE MORE BRITTLE AND MORE LIKELY TO CAUSE PROBLEMS, but even the large uncooked 'knuckle' bones have been known to initiate a sudden visit to the vet. WE DO, HOWEVER, ONLY SEE THE PROBLEM CASES AND THERE MAY BE MANY DOGS THAT ARE REGURARLY GIVEN BONES WITHOUT ANY PROBLEMS ARISING. Many scavenging dogs, for exemple, will regurarly eat chicken carcasses, chop bones, etc., with impunity. The best approach is to warn owners of the potential risks so they can make an informed decision, to feed or not to feed bones.
COOKING ALTERS FOODSTUFFS; cereals and vegetables become easier to digest because starches in them are broken down, BUT SOME NUTRIENTS ARE DESTROYED BY HEAT AND OVERHEATING PROTEINS CAN LEAD TO CHEMICAL REACTIONS TAKING PLACE, WHICH MAKE THEM LESS DIGESTIBLE. Taking this into account, home-made diets should only be lightly cooked and any water used in cooking should be kept and mixed with the food, thus saving leached nutrients. Salt should not be added. Home-made diets should also contain AS MUCH VARIETY AS POSSIBLE TO ENSURE ADEQUATE NUTRITION. It is when trying to formulate home-made diets that the preceding energy calculations come into their own.
It is immportant to stress to the owners that cats are obligate carnivores whose bodies are programmed to function on a diet consisting mainly of protein and fat. They normally eat little carbohydrate other than that in the gut of their prey. PROPRIETARY CAT FOODS NOW SEEM TO CONTAIN INCREASED AMOUNTS OF CARBOHYDRATE, LEADING OWNERS TO THINK THIS IS ACCEPTABLE PRACTICE. Commercially prepared foods are supplemented with the necessary nutrients, e.g. taurine, which are of animal origin to ensure an adequate supply. This supplementation is normally not possible with home-mae diets and those which contain too much carbohydrate will have inadequate supplies of some nutrients. CATS CANNOT BE VEGETARIANS. [...]
Providing a balancedd home-made diet is possible, but requires considerable skill, can be expensive, and cooking may produce smells which are unaacceptable to human noses but will cause a queue of the neighbourhood's cats to form at the doorstep. For these and other reasons, the majority of people will opt for those foods which are specially prepared, ready to feed and readily available - proprietary diets.

Nou, het is niet ideaal, vooral dat gedeelte over licht koken, maar ik vind het vooral positief toch...
Er volgt meer uit dit boek, maar ik moet nu even twee uurtjes studeren >:( ;) ;D
Door chooky
Oeps, was de introductie van het hoofdstuk vergeten.

Time was when dogs were fed household scraps, with bones from the butcher if they were lucky. Cats were given a saucer of milk, fish skins and fish heads when available and caught mice, birs, etc., to supply the rest of their needs.
Nowadays things are rather different. A large proportion of pets receive most of their dietary requirements from commercial petfoods. There are still those owners who, for a variety of reasons, prefer to feed home-made diets and the veterinary nurse should be able to give advice on these when required to do so.
Increasing knowledge constantly refines the nutritionalist view of an ideal diet and it becomes more and more difficult to provide this ideal diet without the manipulation made possible by technology. Having said that, pets requiring special diets, e.g. low-protein or low-fat diets may prefer home-made to commercial varieties (suitable recipes for such occcasions are available from some of the major pet food manufacturers) and a food that is eaten, even if not the ideal, is better than the ieal diet that is left in thee bowl.
Diets, then fall into two catagories, home-made and proprietary diets.

Ook dit stukje uit een ander hoofdstuk wil ik jullie niet onthouden:
Avidine in egg whites inhibits the uptake of biotin; however, egg yolk contains high levels of biotin which eliminates the problem when whole egg is fed.

er volgt nog meer ;D ;D ;D
Door chooky
Dit is eeen stukje uit het hoofdstuk "feeding the healthy dog and cat"

When the animal reaches adulthood, it is worth thinking about how dogs and cats feed in the wil. Despite their maany thousands of years of domestication, basic traits still prevail, perhaps not too surprising considering that untill the middle of the twentieth century, proprietary pet foodds were not readily available and most pets still had to fend for themselves to a large degree.
Most cats tend to be 'snackers'. This reflects their natural feeding pattern - expend energy catching mouse, eat small meal, sleep to recover, expend energy catching another mouse / bird, etc. Dogs tend to act as scavengers - find carrion, eat as much as possible because who knows when the next meal will appear, or hunting as a pack - eat as much as possible before someone else pushes me out. In the wild they will also snack between meals on small animals, fruits, etc. - sounds familiar?

Dit wordt gebruikt om te zeggen dat katten hun voeding ad libitum (naar believen) en honden in 1 of 2 maaltijden moeten krijgen.
Door chooky
Het is inderdaad een grappig boek. Ik lees vaak stukjes in boeken die ik zie over honden en over voeding, maar vaak heb ik de neiging om een beetje geirriteerd te gaan praten tegen het boek (;D) als het gedeelte over voeding eraan komt en leg ik dus, voordat er mensen vreemd gaan kijken het boek weer terug. Bij dit boek had ik dat dus niet. Ze zijn niet heel consequent met alles (zoals bovenstaande stukje, eerst vertellen over het natuurliijke gedrag, dus zoveel mogelijk eten, eeen wolf kan volgens mij wel 9 kg in een keer op, en later toch aanbevelen dat de hond meerdere kleinere porties op een dag krijgt. of in het eerste stuk dat ik postte eerst vertellen dat een rauwe voeding toch wel het natuurlijkste is, dan zeggen dat het maar licht gekookt, maar dus wel gekookt moet zijn) maar het komt een heeeeel eind in de richting.
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